Kevin Chen
Picture of me

About Me

Hello, World! My name is Kevin Chen. I'm a second year Computer Science major at the Georgia Institute of Technology. I love dabbling in new technologies and exploring ways I can apply these technologies into an application of my own. I am an avid video-gamer which is partly the inspiration behind me committing to Computer Science. I am super fascinated with machine learning, augmented/virtual reality, and video game development. I enjoy swimming competitively, learning about stocks, exploring all that Atlanta has to offer, and cooking up new recipes (while praying I don't burn down the kitchen).



Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA

Computer Science, B.S.

Expected Graduation Date: May 2020

Cumulative GPA: 3.73

Relevant Coursework

CS2340 - Objects and Design

CS1332 - Data Structures and Algorithms

CS2050 - Intro Discrete Math for Computer Science

CS1331 - Object-Oriented Programming

CS1301 - Introduction to Computing

MATH1554 - Linear Algebra

CS1100 - Freshman Leap Seminar

...Currently taking

...Currently taking

Programming Languages (most to least experience)









Home Depot

The Home Depot

Software Developer Intern

  • Used the VGG16 convolutional neural network to conduct feature extraction on 1,000,000+ images
  • Wrote and improved the runtime of code by over 4000%
  • Designed a dynamic UI utilizing JSP, Maven, Springboot, Bootstrap, and Apache Tomcat
  • Gained valuable experience handling gigabytes of data and improving the runtime and efficiency of code

Atlanta, GA

Summer 2017

Systems Psychology Lab

Systems Psychology Lab

Research Assistant

  • Supervised the calibration and capture of data with Dikablis Eye Trackers and Dikablis Software on 25+ subjects
  • Wrote procedural scripts for the research on bimanual
  • Gained valuable working experience with motion sensors, eye trackers, and the professional scientific research process

Atlanta, GA

Spring 2017